Convergence Insufficiency

Convergence Insufficiency

What is Convergence Insufficiency?

Convergence Insufficiency is an eye coordination disorder that can interfere with anyone’s ability to read and remember what they read. The important thing to understand is that one can pass vision screenings, even eye exams (meaning that you can see the letters on the eye chart you are supposed to see from 20 feet clearly) and still have an eye coordination problem.

Converge means to come together. For example, the eyes need to point to the exact same spot when reading and moving our eyes along the print in a book or on the computer, etc. Insufficiency basically means not enough, an insufficient amount.

Convergence insufficiency can occur in a small amount, where it is barely noticeable to the person who has it, or it can occur as a more serious condition where reading is nearly impossible. Sometimes it occurs after one reads for a few minutes, while for others anytime they look at a sentence in a book the print looks double and reading isn’t possible.

When someone, an adult or a child, has convergence insufficiency, they might complain that the words look like they are moving on the page. In some cases, they are still able to read the text, but they can’t remember what they read.

If you find that you or your child have any of these symptoms, it would be wise to schedule a Binocular Vision Evaluation with Dr. Conway.

For a more in-depth symptom checklist, please click here