Most children don’t know how they are supposed to see and assume everyone sees the same way they do. Therefore it is vital that parents know the signs and symptoms to watch for.
• Vision problems can interfere with a child’s ability to read and learn. In fact, according to the American Optometric Association, more than 60% of problem learners have undiagnosed vision problems contributing to their difficulties with learning.
• Eye coordination and eye movement disorders can be easily mistaken for learning disabilities and even attention problems. In addition, research has shown that they can also contribute to the challenges one experiences when they have Dyslexia.
• More than 15 visual skills are required for academic success. Most vision screenings are not designed to test all of these visual skills.
Even if your child has passed a vision screening, your
child could still have a vision problem that is interfering
with academic performance … and life.
Here are the top 5 signs and symptoms of a vision problem that could be interfering with your child’s ability to read and learn:
If your child is having any difficulty with reading or just not
performing to potential, please schedule an appointment today.
For a more in-depth checklist:
If you have any of these difficulties, we can also help adults.